Monday, October 27, 2008

After reading Sherry's blog post about glasses, one of my friends posts a 'flashback' album on facebook- with this awesome shot of me at about 6th grade. I'm the little guy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Foxy new look

Foxy new look
Originally uploaded by pavasm.

Nice heft, not too thick where your mouth touches, I like it a lot!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Originally uploaded by pavasm.

I thought this made a great mask- moustache built in!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

So Proud

(image from
My wife's cousin is a Gladiator. She was new for the second season and she did a awesome job. It was a bit surreal to see her each week battling the contenders. She's totally my daughter's hero right now.

She's now heading out for a USO tour with some of her fellow Gladiators to visit troops in Kuwait and Iraq. I'm just really impressed she's taking this opportunity to really show support and appreciation for the folks who are serving over there.

Have a safe trip Jennifer!