Thursday, April 17, 2008

Coke, no HFCS
Originally uploaded by pavasm.

I went to Jewel on my lunch hour (wabash & roosevelt) to look for passover coke. This white cap bottle is marked CRC P-08. The ingredients list sucrose as opposed to HFCS. can't wait to chill it and try it!

Update 4/18/08:
I did a semi-blind taste test with 3 coworkers (i knew which was which), and they all preferred the passover coke. You can see the residue of foam in the passover (sucrose) coke as opposed to the high fructose corn syrup coke.
Coke taste test

Friday, April 11, 2008

What's your happy tune?

Yesterday was really rainy and crappy (clogged gutters driving water into my house was not pleasant), and the forecast of a cold wet weekend had put me in a bit of a down mood. At lunchtime today, the clouds parted and it was sunny and warmish for my walk to Intelligentsia. I picked up a pound of the Finca Matalapa El Salvador and an espresso (HA! it's still sort of a coffee blog). Mood much brightened, I realized as I walked back to my office I was whistling a happy tune. To my embarrasment, my happy tune is the theme from the A-Team! Whenever I find myself humming or whistling absentmindedly that is the song. I never think about the actual show (no on purpose, anyway). Does this happen to anyone else?

I suppose it could be worse, it could have been the theme from Megaforce.